Author: Jeremy


    Tomorrow we will be receiving a beautiful Yamaha C3 concert grand piano. This instrument is great for solo and combo work. The Yamaha was specifically chosen for it’s tonality and action. The C3 was chosen for the ratio of piano dimensions to room dimensions at Megasonic. This is a very exciting addition to the studio…

  • Frederica von Stade

    Over the next two days, we will be hosting internationally acclaimed opera singer Frederica von Stade. Looking forward to it!

  • Megasonic Featured in Mix Magazine

    The November 2010 issue of Mix magazine has a nice feature on the studio. Check it out here: Mix Feature You can also pick up a hard copy at the upcoming AES convention in San Francisco. See you there!

  • David J tracks two new songs

    I spent today recording a couple of songs for Mr. David J. of Bauhaus and Love and Rockets fame. This has been a lot of fun and very rewarding. I grew up on a steady diet of Bauhaus, Joy Division, Sisters Of Mercy and dozens of other similar bands. David’s voice transported me back to…

  • WFMU broadcast prep.

    Here is a great video shot by Billy Jam, DJ on WFMU, as we were sound checking before a live broadcast on April 30, 2010. The video really shows off the isolation and acoustics at Megasonic. It also provides a bit of a tour of the facility. Enjoy!

  • Time to start trading!

    I have been prepping for the debut performance of Saul Goody And The Purple Traders. Friday, March 26 at the Roll Up in the Vulcan Studios. East Oakland, CA. While doing some stem research(!) I ran a mix of “Piano 12” the third installment of the SGPT saga. It lives in the jukebox. Best listened…